Yellowknife and Blachford Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada – February/March 2017

The trip I booked in June 2016 through the Cloud Appreciation Society in hopes of viewing the aurora borealis finally took place, starting on February 24 through my return on March 2, 2017. I first travelled from Palm Springs to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, meeting up with our group of about 20 people and staying there for two nights. After touring Yellowknife we travelled via ski plane to Blachford Lake Lodge, about 60 miles from Yellowknife. We stayed at the lodge for three nights and were fortunate to experience three nights of increasingly spectacular auroral displays. (The sky during the prior week was overcast so visitors during that time were not so lucky.) Needless to say, it was very cold throughout this trip … generally -25˚ F and colder with any wind but I was well prepared. I had always wanted to view the aurora; on all my business trips to Europe I tried to sit in a north facing windows seat of the plane hoping to catch a view but never did. All in all this was a great trip.

Here are more details and photos from this trip.



Canyon de Chelly – May 2016

Mummy Cave - 20160522
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Monument Valley – May 2016

Monument Valley - 20160522
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